Archive for 2010
St Patricks Week
March 11th, 2010
There will be no Discovery Scout meeting next week, March 18th. We will return on March 25th.
The meeting will start up at 7.30pm from March 25th and NOT 7pm as previously. We will still be finishing at 9pm.
Hope you all have a great St Patricks Day
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Rovers and Stretchers
March 1st, 2010
So tonight the Rovers were tasked with making a rope ladder out of nothing but rope, they decided that it would be much more fun to make a stretcher instead and they are basically the same thing anyway, right?!?
So with only a bag of ropes and their wits about them they began this terrifying and daunting task. I was on hand to provide them with useless advice and take embarrassing photos, which to be honest the three lads didn’t really seem to appreciate. Kevin doesn’t really like having his photo taken so on the right you will see the best one that I managed to get of him and below are the two Conors modelling the stretcher for you. As you can see it is very effective, as long as you don’t actually intend on moving the casualty anywhere.
All in all a good evening was had by all, although I have a suspicion that our stretcher did more damage than good, but i’m that all they needed were more people to carry it. The rest of the meeting was without incident, so that is all I have to say about Rovers and Stretchers.
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Dunnes Pack-a-bag last Saturday
March 1st, 2010
Hi all
Just like to say a big thank you to all those who helped out last Saturday at the pack-a-bag in Dunnes. We raised over €2,700 for the renovation fund.
A special thank you should go to those who, especially the Rovers, were able to stay there for longer then the three hours. Some even stayed for the whole day. We had great support from Parents as well and we could not of done it without their help, well done all.
Thanks again
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AIB Better Ireland Program
February 16th, 2010
Hi all
We, 29th Dublin Blackrock Scouts, have been short listed for the above program. We are in line for one of three prizes – €2,000, €3,000 or €5,000. We are short listed with two other groups and the group with the most votes gets the most money, that simple. See below for voting details. See www.betterireland for more details.
To Vote by Text:
Text BLACKROCK followed by space, followed by A to 51303 (Standard SMS rates Apply)
To Vote by Email:
Click on Select VOTE ONLINE to the right, under FIND AIB BRANCH Couty – select Dublin and under Branch – select BLACKROCK branch and choose our group by clicking circle beside A – 29th Dublin Blackrock Scout Group enter email address and click submit.
You can vote as many times as you wish by text (don’t forget to get bill payers permission), I am setting up my 300 webtext with delays everyday, and you can make a web vote once every 24 hours with an email address. If any one else is participating let me know and I will add you to my voting list. Voting open 15 Feb 2010 to 15 Mar 2010. Details will be on our website soon,
We have 5 mobile numbers in our house, between personal and work phones, and I will set up voting on them this evening. As far as I know we have 300 webtext a month on each number and I will set up a delayed sending of one going every couple of hours. If anyone else need help in setting this up we can help them. Likewise I have several email addresses I can use cast votes so if I do it at a set time each day it will register. Email me on hugh[AT] if you need help.
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Lough Dan Pioneering Weekend
February 15th, 2010
This Saturday, Sunday and Monday we went to Lough Dan for a pioneering weekend. Pioneering is building things out of large wooden poles or spars and sisal. We built a cool bridge gateway thingy with platform. The weather was decent compared to what we expected. We only had light showers on the the Sunday night and a little frost and ice on the Saturday night. We all wished Emma happy birthday.So we made fire and did pioneering on Saturday. Kevin burnt his tongue on the chicken soup at lunch. After chicken curry for dinner, we played texas hold ’em poker. Tony learnt how to play slowly (by folding even when he had the best hand), Conor W didn’t have a chance and got knocked out in almost every game. We had Swiss roll birthday cake for Emma’s birthday. We turned in early that night because we were shattered from the days “work”.
We slept in the next morning, only to be awoken by Tony and Emma’s loud shouts. Breakie was corn flakes (from Lidl) and bread. We continued our pioneering projects and lit another fire.
The fire was built because we needed to heat the coals for the Dutch oven, which we planned to cook out beef casserole in. The casserole took 6 hours to cook in the Dutch oven, while waiting for dinner we finished. We played more poker and then goonie, and switch.We slept in again on Monday morning. Packing and go home day. We packed everything up and went back to the den to dry the tents and gear in the hall. We tried washing the Dutch oven out, but yeah, its still blackish.
Pancake Eating Competition
Currently we are having a pancake eating competition. Conor has been in the lead consistently but our guest or “ringer”, David, did arrive late so we’ll have to see. Alex from explorers has also joined us for this auspicious occasion.
The finishing score is:
- Tony – 4 pancakes + most of a pizza
- Emma – 6 pancakes + some of a pizza (also winner of “most pancakes made award” with 48 pancakes)
- David – 11 pancakes
- Conor W – 12 pancakes
- Kevin – 6 pancakes
- Conor L – 5 pancakes
- Alex – 4 pancakes, we think.
So the winner of the 2010 Pancake eating competition is Conor W, knocking the former leader out of first place. The very original quote form the winner was “em, no comment”, and from the runner-up and previous champ, David, was “I am not a quote”. The loser also insisted on being allowed to give a quote, so Alex said “Monkey banana face flamingo alright ice cream cone?”
So that is the end of the pancakes for this year be sure to join us again next year.
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Half Term
February 10th, 2010
There is no Discovery meeting on Thursday Feb 18th as it is Half Term
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Upcoming Camp
February 10th, 2010
We are having a camp at the Den from the 19th-21st of February. We are meeting down at the Den at 7.30pm pick up on the Sunday is 12 Noon. Letters going out tomorrow night with cost and equipment list.
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Defib Vouchers
February 10th, 2010
Just to make sure everyone knows. We are currently selling vouchers for Apache Pizza which are worth a whole 12″ pizza and will only cost you €6. When we sell all of these vouchers Apache Pizza will come and install an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and case in our scout den. This is an opportunity that we don’t want to miss out on.
So if you want some vouchers please put the money into and envelope, with your childs name and the number of vouchers you want and give it to their leader. We will then return the vouchers to you at the following meeting.
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Tuesdays PL’s
February 5th, 2010
Just a reminder, our Tuesday night Patrol Leaders meeting is on next Tuesday (the 9th) at 7pm.
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Bray Head Hike
February 1st, 2010
On Sunday Wednesday Explorers went on a hike up Bray Head. We had a great time even if it was a bit mucky. Bruce, our scout dog, decided to go on a wander on his own when we were walking along the beach. Will had to run afer him to get him back. Climbing up the rocks to the cross was fun but we had to come down the path as climbing down was too dangerous. Some of the scouts got yards of slush on the way back to the train, a super sugary drink that wasnt very nice!!
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