Archive for 2015

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Game Ideas

Here are a few links to games sites:tag image

Fast games

These are games normally played at the start of a meeting to help burn some energy off:


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What is a PLC?

A Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) is where youth and adult members of the Scout Section meet to aid the effective running of the Section.

Areas of Responsibility

So what are the things that your PLC should be looking after? Here are a few of the main tasks involved:

  1. Set out the Troop programme
  2. Run the Troop programme
  3. Review the Troop programme
  4. Monitor Award schemes
  5. Administer the Troop regulations or Code of Conduct
  6. Monitor Troop progress
  7. Train Patrol Leaders

The PLC meet at regular intervals as decided by it. It can be monthly, quarterly or when required. 

Click the image below for more information:

How to run a PLC


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Phoenix 2015

Well done to the Raven Patrol in the Scout Section for a spectacular result in this years Phoenix Challenge in which they achieved Gold Standard finishing in the top 20 in the country.

Please see a couple of photos below.




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Kyaking 24 May 2015

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75th Anniversary

Hello all,

Kieran is currently collecting information to include in the “The Story of our History” booklet to mark the 75th year of 29th Dublin Blackrock Scouts. 

Could you please complete the online form to make a contribution

Link to google Form

Click here to complete the form

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Smelvin information

Dear Parent

 As you know we are going to Larch hill this weekend to take part in out County Challenged called the Smelvin. We will meet in Larch Hill car park at 7pm on Friday 17 April 2015. Collection will be from Larch Hill on Sunday 19 April 2015 at 2:30pm. Each Scout will need to go back to the Scout Den to sort out the equipment.

Each Scout should arrive on the event in full uniform and will travel home again in uniform. If you need an equipment list you can find one on the Handy Documents section of the Scout Page of our website, Click Here.

If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below. This number can also be used as the emergency number for the weekend.


Yours in Scouting

 Hugh McLain


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Raingear in Lidl

Hi all Lidl are doing raingear from Thursday, just in case someone needs some.



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