Archive for the ‘FMC’ Category

Christmas Tree collection 2018

It is that time of year again and we are doing out now yearly Christmas tree collection, please click the link for the PDF flyer. 

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New kitchen

Our new kitchen was installed this week and we are delighted by the expanded space and new units.  

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Lidl are doing outdoor gear

See the Lidl website, click here, they are doing outdoor gear from next Mondy.

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Painting the outside of the Den

Hi all

I just want to say a big thank you to Marie and Kevin for all the work them put in painting the exterior of the Den. They had help now and again but they put in almost a full month and the result is fantastic, see picture below of how it looks now.


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We are Painting the Den! Come Help!

2013-06-10 21.58.19

As most of you will have seen the pressure washing of the exterior of the den and most of the ground work has been completed to allow us to get started painting the den this week. We are painting the den and doing some work on the grounds as part of the preparation for the Great Leprechaun Chase and our visitors from Canada and the USA this summer.

These works are taking part from 7.30pm to 9.30pm from Tuesday to Friday. It is bring your own paintbrush or roller as we don’t have enough for everyone. All help from parents will be greatly appreciated by the group as many hands make for light work.

The weather forecast is not great. If it is not raining but too wet to paint we do plan to go ahead with the gardening. If it is too wet to do anything we will post an update on this news item. Otherwise assume we are going ahead with the works.

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Clean Up Day 2012

I’d like to thank everyone who came and helped at the annual den clean-up day this Saturday, the 10th of March. A huge amount of work was done. A standard sized skip has been filled with old junk from the stores, leaders room, and kitchen. There are a few photos of the magnificent work that was done in cleaning up the place. Unfortunately I only have one photo of which only has a small subset of the people who came out to help.

Soon we will be decorating the den with old flags, neckerchiefs, posters, pictures, and whatever else we can find. If you have any old neckerchiefs that are from other troops and would like to donate them bring them down to the den. We are happy to note which neckerchiefs are yours if you ever want them back at any stage.

Thanks again,
Kevin baker – Scout Leader

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New Kitchen Equipment

Following a trip to IKEA , we now have a fully equipped kitchen with new dishes , glasses, pots and pans, in fact all you would need to make a great meal. We have thrown out all the old stuff.

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