Archive for the ‘Scouts’ Category
Tuesdays PL’s
February 5th, 2010
Just a reminder, our Tuesday night Patrol Leaders meeting is on next Tuesday (the 9th) at 7pm.
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Bray Head Hike
February 1st, 2010
On Sunday Wednesday Explorers went on a hike up Bray Head. We had a great time even if it was a bit mucky. Bruce, our scout dog, decided to go on a wander on his own when we were walking along the beach. Will had to run afer him to get him back. Climbing up the rocks to the cross was fun but we had to come down the path as climbing down was too dangerous. Some of the scouts got yards of slush on the way back to the train, a super sugary drink that wasnt very nice!!
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Hostel Weekend
January 31st, 2010
Jan 29/30/31
Hi all,
we are just back from our hostel weekend in Glendale lodge, we had a brilliant weekend. Hopefully some of the PL’s will post as well to tell you more about it.
We arrived down on Friday night, then on Saturday we went for a hike to the top of Prince Williams Seat, this was lots of fun although some people got very very wet and muddy.
Then on Sunday morning it snowed and we all had some fun in the snow.
All in all a good weekend was had!
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Christmas Sleepover
January 12th, 2010
19/20th December 2009
The Christmas Sleepover this year was fun. We did lots of different stuff like basket/net ball, unihoc and an obstacle course. My favourite game was balloon volleyball. We watched a movie and ate loads of sweets. We were supposed to have a campfire but then it rained and rained and rained some more. 🙁 It is ok though because we got to have one on Sunday morning and we all ate lots and lots of smores, although some people dropped their marshmallows in the fire. This was kinda cool because when they fall in the fire you get to see them melt.
When we were playing all the games we got points and on Sunday morning the winning patrol got prizes. My patrol, the Penguins, didn’t win, but it was very close and those Pandas better watch out next time.
By Alex
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Scout Section Investiture
January 1st, 2010
When Scouts are invested they will need to wear full uniform, which is:
- Scout shirt
- Scout SI branded trousers or blue combat/cargo pants
- Scouting Ireland belt
- Black or dark shoes
- No logos – No white soles – No stripes
- Dark socks
- Scout lanyard is options for our troop
- Group neckerchief
Please image below for an example:
All but neckerchief can be purchased from the Scout Shop in Dublin city centre or Bray as well as on line, Please click here to see details. If the Scout to be invested was a Cub they can also use their Cub jumper in the Investiture ceremony.
Badges that can transfer from Cub jumper to Scout shirt include Group Badge, County Badge, Provincial Badge, Adventure Skills and special event badges less than a year old. Please see image below for badges.
If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact any Scouter in the Scout Section.
Click below for PDF version.
Hugh McLain
29th Dublin Scouter
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