Archive for the ‘Scouts’ Category
Smelivin 2011
April 19th, 2011
We were the patrol leader and assistant patrol leader on the 2011 Smelvin, on my team was Fionn (me/PL) Emma (me to/APL) Andrew, Abby, Cillian, Cliona, Meghan and Alex. The theme was I’m a scout Get me out of here!
It was really good fun, we came fifth out of eight troops we did well in some activities like “bivvie” which was a backwoods challenge, we also did well in the T-shirt competition (big thanks to Hugh and Niamh) we also did good in the cooking and some of the other activities.
We didn’t win but we still all had loads of fun working as a team, and made loads of new friends. The other groups were Dun Laoghaire, Tullow, Newtownpark, Cornelscourt and Stillorgan.
On the first day all we did was set up camp and we also started to do some of our pioneering, and we had some soup that Megan made on our gas cooker.
The next morning, Saturday, we got up really early and finished off setting up our camp. After we had our breakfast we where told to go to our activities, we did water, first aid, bivvie, we built chariots, and we also did a bushtucker trial in witch we had to eat lambs heart (which everyone loved). Then we went back to our camp we cooked curry (koala guts and woodlice) we then we then had brownies (kangaroo guts) and melted gummy worm they where lovely, we made them on the Dutch oven. After dinner we had a big camp fire with all the groups. We had to do these funny skits or sing songs relating to the theme. We did a song.
The next morning, Sunday morning, we raced the chariots BIGGEST EPIC FAIL.Then we packed up everything pretty fast. Later we we went to the ceremony when we found out who won the different categories like the cooking competition and logbook. We also found out who came in what place. Tullow were third, Newtownpark second and Dun Laoghaire first. First and second go on to the Phoenix, the national competition.
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Gilwell 2011
March 22nd, 2011
Our scout camp this year is to Gilwell park from the 2nd to the 8th of July, I can’t wait!
We will be doing lots of activities over the course of the week, what would you like to do, post here to let us know…
We also hope to organise some fundraising, post here if you have any ideas…
For those of you who haven’t seen it yet here is a link to the Gilwell campsite website, it looks amazing:
Gilwell Park
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Congratulations Ninja Polar Bears!
March 21st, 2011
The Group Shield last weekend was a stunning success and I certainly had a great time. All three patrols did some excellent work and I hope that they all had a great time. The Ninja Polar Bears won overall and along with representing our group at the Smelvin they will be getting a prize which will be revealed tomorrow night at scouts. Well Done Guys! Emma also received the scout of the camp award as she impressed all the leaders that were present.
Thank you to Kevin for putting so much into this weekend he did a great job and I think all the Scouts had a great time. Thank you also to Kieran for coming down to perform the site inspection and to Michele for all her help over the course of the weekend, especially her stunning performance of a “person in shock” on the Emergencies base.
Hope everyone involved enjoyed themselves, I know I did!
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Fota 2010 (again)
August 24th, 2010
I am sorry this has taken so long but between one thing and another I have only just gotten a chance to get this posted. So here is the log for Fota 2010!
Fota 2010
written by Catríona Spratt and Karen Reilly with some bits added by Emma.
3rd July 2010
We met at the Den at 9.30am. We left the den at 10.00am. It took us three and a half hours to get to the campsite on Fota Island in County Cork. We had lunch and then set up camp. We all pitched the tents. Then we went to get some firewood. We also got split into patrols, we were put in the Hippo patrol and Marcus is our Patrol Leader.
After that at around 7.30pm we had pasta bolognese for dinner and angel delight for desert. We also got to go to the tuck shop.
Then we all went into the forest and played “Tip the Can”. It was really really REALLY fun. When we got back we had hot chocolate and biscuits for supper.
4th July 2010
Today our patrol made breakfast and then it was time for a tent inspection. Then we all went and collected some more firewood. After that it was time for pioneering. We made a table and a gate. We also learnt how to use the axes and saws safely and how to light fires and feed them so they stay lit.
Then we had lunch. We had sandwiches, crisps, bars and fruit. But nobody ate the fruit. Catríona and I found some fish. I named some of them Steve, Bob and Justin Bieber. For dinner we had chicken curry and Brownie cake for desert.
Then we started the sports leagues, we did “elephant races” and a game called “avoid the crocodile”. These were fun but everyone got very very wet. Our patrol won the “elephant races”, but we couldn’t jump well enough to avoid the crocodile but we did come second at this.
5th July 2010
Today we went to the wildlife park. We saw Zebras, Giraffes, Lamas, Monkeys, Eagles, Leopards, Ducks and Walabies. Marcus tried to pet a Lama and it bit him on the arm. When we had seen everything in the wildlife park we came back to the campsite for dinner.
After dinner we did some more of our sports leagues. Tonights event was the “Jungle run” or obstacle course. This was really difficult but everyone managed to do it, even Ruairí who is only four, and he did it twice! During this we had to run, jump, wriggle, tie a knot and skip.
Then we had supper and went to bed.
6th July 2010
Today we finish off some stuff around the site in the morning and then we had our cooking competition. Our patrol decided to make chicken tenders and potatoe wedges with coke floats for desert. It was all really really good. Jack went with Niamh to do the shopping for our meal. We won for our main course but the tigers won for their desert. We had lots of fun cooking but not so much fun cleaning.
While we were making dinner Gavin got scalded by the water boiler but he was ok again after dinner was finished, he even played “Hippo football” (three-legged football) with everyone else. We then played our last sports league game which was the “cheetah run”.
7th July 2010
Today we were all very excited we had to get up early because we were going to Trabolgan. After breakfast the bus arrived and it only took a short while to get there. When we got there we had to find the quad bike track. There were two, one for the older scouts and one for us. I thought the quad bikes were good fun but they were kinda scary too. Everyone had a go, we got to go around the track four times.
After that we went to do the orienteering course, this was fun because we got to explore on our own and see lots of Trabolgan. Then we went to the Swimming Pool. We had some time to go to the arcade before we went swimming. This was fun and some people bought presents to bring home. Then we went swimming, this was fun but the life guard wouldn’t let anyone into the deep end of the pool. The waves were good though and we went on the slide too but it wasn’t very good.
After swimming we got back on the bus and went back to the campsite.
Then we had Tuna pasta for dinner and hardly anyone liked this but we all tried at least a little bit. We also had apple crumble for desert which was really really good.
After dinner we started to take down the boys sleeping tents and then it was time for the campfire. This was brilliant! We sang songs and then Emma and Hugh gave out the badges and the camp awards. Marcus got Scout of the Year, Bláithín got Scout of the Camp and Sarah K got most improved Scout. After lots of smores we all had to go to bed even though no one wanted to.
8th July 2010
written by Emma
Time to go home. We didn’t do much today other than pack and get ready to go. We had all our bags packed before breakfast and then got the last few tents taken down. Almost everyone fell asleep on the bus home, especially all the leaders! Thank you everyone for a brilliant annual camp 2010.
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Last Discoveries
June 10th, 2010
Next Thursday is our last meeting for this year.
As some of you know it is also our last year as we are immigrating to Canada during the summer. This leaves the Scouts down two leaders. We really need people to volunteer to help out or the section may not run next year. We, by law, have to have a certain amount of leaders to children and the same people are left doing this year after year. This is not fair on them. With the new child protection laws it takes about 8 weeks to get Garda Clearance (even if you have received it before you need to re-apply for scouts), you don’t need to train as a leader and you don’t need any experience. Rachel had no experience in scouting when she started.
If you want the 29th Dublin Scouts to continue please volunteer some time.
We would also particularly like to thank Emma who even though is an explorer Leader has come down every week to help us.
Hope you all have a great summer.
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Explorer Cake Sale
May 14th, 2010
Thank you for all the help that we received with the cake sale last weekend it was a great success.
We raised €390 which has been added to the groups fundraising effort. Well done to all the scouts who made cakes and came down to help.
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Cylcle Hike
April 4th, 2010
The Cycle Hike last weekend was brilliant I hope all of the Explorers that came with us agree. Although by the time I got home I was certainly very tired! We cycled from the top of Mt. Merrion Ave to Cabinteely park where we had obstacle course races and lots of fun on the Spider Web. Then we cycled back again.
We started off at 12 0 Clock, first things first we checked that all of the bikes were ok, all helmets were on and all of the scouts had everything that they needed. Then we got going, we got off to a very good start although it was up hill most of the way (but not very steep :~). We stopped for a break after a bit, to let people take off a layer or two and get a drink.
We were all a bit confused as to where the awful rain that had been forecast was, but we decided to settle for glorious sunshine with a little bit of wind.
We got to Cabinteely park in only 50 minutes and everyone was ready for a break and something to eat at that point! Then after a short rest we went to have some fun in the playground. One scout managed to do the obstacle course in record time of just over 2 minutes including the monkey bars.
Then unfortunately it was time to get back on our bikes and head back again, we were taking a different route beck to meet the parents so this made it more interesting. Some of the hills were tough but everyone made it and all of the bikes survived although it was touch and go with a particular flat tire for a while there. We then stopped in another playground out our way back because we were making such good time that had we not we would have been back way too early.
Overall an excellent day was had by all! If you want to see more photos of this activity go to Cycle Hike Photos.
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March 25th, 2010
can’t wait till disco(if we are going to have it):-P 😯 😕 😉 😀 😕
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Half Term
February 10th, 2010
There is no Discovery meeting on Thursday Feb 18th as it is Half Term
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Upcoming Camp
February 10th, 2010
We are having a camp at the Den from the 19th-21st of February. We are meeting down at the Den at 7.30pm pick up on the Sunday is 12 Noon. Letters going out tomorrow night with cost and equipment list.
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