Our second last day here and another early start as we needed to be ready to leave the cabin at 8am. I have to admit everyone is getting much better at getting ready in the morning and it doesn’t take as long to get everyone out of bed. We all piled into the minivan and […]
About 29th Dublin Scouts

We are an Irish scout troop based in Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland. We're a member of Scouting Ireland. Scouting Ireland is a multi-denominational, co-educational, youth based association across the entire island of Ireland. We have our own scout den and our own grounds just by the sea. We practice the scout method through our weekend activities and weekly meetings to young people between the ages of 6 and 26. We have a long history in the community of Blackrock, first founded by Peter Pender in 1940. Between our different age groups we teach Scouting skills such as pioneering, hiking, rock climbing, backwoods survival training, sailing, canoeing, first aid and other really useful skills.
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Some Recent News
MIC 2012, Day 21
August 10th, 2012
Finally a nice relaxed start, we all got up in our own time as Mike wasn’t coming to collect us until 1pm. Then we all headed to a local swimming pool and sports centre. This was a lot of fun, and it was really nice to be able to cool off in the pool. All […]
MIC 2012, Day 20
August 10th, 2012
An even earlier start today meant that everyone was more or less asleep in the minibus, and quite possibly in the shower too. After showers had been had a few of us headed back down to White Plains for a bit more shopping and exploring. We returned to the house at about 11am, where […]
MIC 2012, Day 19
August 10th, 2012
Today we had a very early start as Mike came to collect us at 7.30am. We were all ready to go though and were all in the minibus very quickly. Mike dropped us into White Plains to the house where the Hungarians were staying. This meant that we could all have a shower and then […]
MIC 2012, Day 18
August 10th, 2012
Not too early a start today, we all got up at about 9.30am, had some breakfast and got ready to meet Mike. He arrived at about 10.30am and we were all ready to go. He brought us into the White Plains train station where we would catch a train into Grand Central in New York […]
MIC 2012, Day 17
August 10th, 2012
Our first day after camp, me and the girls had a lazi-ish morning, we took it easy and just got up whenever we felt like it. Although Anthony (our host) said he was so used to getting up at 7am on camp that he had woken up at that time and couldn’t go back to […]
MIC 2012, Day 16
July 30th, 2012
The last day of camp has come and I think that most people have found that they really don’t want to leave, we have all made such good friends and it feels strange that we won’t wake up to see them all tomorrow morning. The morning was spent packing the trailer, taking photos and saying […]
MIC 2012, Day 15
July 30th, 2012
The International Festival day/Visitors day has arrived and all too quickly for my liking. But the sunshine and heat has also returned. With some help from the rangers we got all of our materials to the parade field and then set everything up for our display. I have to say that it looked pretty well. […]
MIC 2012, Day 14
July 30th, 2012
Breakfast today was basically Sausage Mc Muffins, it was tasty although Conor B may have taken it a step too far when he attempted to eat one with 15 sausage patties in it. This morning we had Service to Northwoods, this involved trying to remove invasive species from the woods around the camping grounds. What […]
MIC 2012, Day 13
July 30th, 2012
Half way through our camp week and half way through our entire trip, wow the time has flown. Pancakes for breakfast, my favourite. Our first activity was Geocaching in the pouring rain, which was well wet and of course half of the Irish scouts did not have a rain coat with them even though it […]