About 29th Dublin Scouts

Scout Sign

We are an Irish scout troop based in Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland. We're a member of Scouting Ireland. Scouting Ireland is a multi-denominational, co-educational, youth based association across the entire island of Ireland. We have our own scout den and our own grounds just by the sea. We practice the scout method through our weekend activities and weekly meetings to young people between the ages of 6 and 26. We have a long history in the community of Blackrock, first founded by Peter Pender in 1940. Between our different age groups we teach Scouting skills such as pioneering, hiking, rock climbing, backwoods survival training, sailing, canoeing, first aid and other really useful skills.
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Some Recent News

Rover’s Summer: Rovers in Whales?

Heres what the rovers have been getting up to this Summer! We’ve been to both Wales to complete our Silver Gaisce Awards, and to Scotland in order to get some rock & ice climbing in. The reason for our trip to Wales was to climb Snowdon (1085m) and walk 50km in the process, to complete […]

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Fota 2010 (again)

I am sorry this has taken so long but between one thing and another I have only just gotten a chance to get this posted. So here is the log for Fota 2010! Fota 2010 written by Catríona Spratt and Karen Reilly with some bits added by Emma. 3rd July 2010 We met at the […]

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ONE Programme

So with the bulk of the annual camps finished, good luck to Rovers in Wales and Scotland, our attention is turning to the new ONE Programme and the change in Sections. As part of the pilot scheme I believe that the Group has benefited by having greater youth participation in the programme planning and I […]

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Fota 2010

Just back from Annual Camp and everyone had an amazing time. I would like to thank all of the leaders, explorers scouts, discovery scouts and rover scouts who were involved for an incredible camp. Watch this space and I hope to have a log written by two of our scouts up shortly along with many […]

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Last Discoveries

Next Thursday is our last meeting for this year. As some of you know it is also our last year as we are immigrating to Canada during the summer. This leaves the Scouts down two leaders. We really need people to volunteer to help out or the section may not run next year. We, by […]

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Congratulation Emma

I have been meaning to post this since Tony mentioned it at Group Council a while ago, anyway better later than never. Congratulation to Emma on achieving her Gaisce  Gold Award, it is very difficult to achieve and show the hard work and dedication she is capable of. Welldone.

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70th Anniversary

The 29th Dublin Scout Group will be celebrating out 70th Anniversary on Saturday the 29th of May and we would like everyone to join us! The celebration will be taking place at the scout den between 2pm and 4pm, all scouts and their friends and families are welcome. On the day we will have a […]

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Explorer Cake Sale

Thank you for all the help that we received with the cake sale last weekend it was a great success. We raised €390 which has been added to the groups fundraising effort. Well done to all the scouts who made cakes and came down to help.

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Trackers Sports Day

Due to the poor weather last Tuesday we had to cancel our sports evening, we will be running this again and will let you all know when a new date is set.

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Blackrock Clean Up and Cake Sale

The Explorers are helping to clean up Blackrock this Saturday and have a cake sale coming up on the Sunday the 9th of May. All help will be most welcome. Here is a letter about these two upcoming events. letter Blackrock cleanup and cake sale-ONE

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