Today we had a very early start as Mike came to collect us at 7.30am. We were all ready to go though and were all in the minibus very quickly. Mike dropped us into White Plains to the house where the Hungarians were staying. This meant that we could all have a shower and then have a wander around the shops and sites of White Plains. This was a nice way to spend the morning and we even found some internet access to check emails and facebook accounts.. At 1pm we met up with the Americans and Hungarians and we all headed to a military museum that is just outside White Plains.


This was really very interesting. There were two buildings, the first was all about West Point Academy and the second was about the history of the American Military and two rooms devoted to weapons and vehicles. Kevin and Oisín and I found both buildings very interesting, but not everyone shared our interest and we all met up outside the museum after an hour. Obviously as soon as we were all standing outside the heavens opened and we all got absolutely soaked. And as soon as we were all back in the minibus the rain stopped.


We were all dropped back to the Hungarians house with a short visit to the Llamas on the way, which everyone was very happy about, although wet Llamas are not as good as dry Llamas.


We spent the evnening with the Hungarians and most of the Americans which was alot of fun and I think we all learnt a bit about the other countries. Mrs. Buzzard made dinner of Sloppy Joes and Mac and Cheese for everyne which was very tasty, and the fruit salad that we had afterwards was delicious.


Mike returned to collect us at abou 10 pm and we returned to the cabin for a well deserved rest.