Cedar Point!!!!!!
As you may have guessed today we went to Cedar Point, which is in Ohio. We met up to get the bus at 5.30am, but even though we were all on time the bus was late. The bus journey took about 2 and a half hours and we arrived at Cedar Point just in time for it to open. We distributed all of the tickets and everyone got into buddy pairs or groups. Some of the guys (Stephen, Fionn, Andrew and Conor G) decided they wanted to try and do all of the big roller coasters so they were on a pretty tight schedule. They sprinted off to get started and I saw them again very briefly at lunch time as they grabbed a sandwich and ran off. Myself and Kevin joined the girls and Oisín and a few American scouts. Rather than listing off roller coaster I think I will just show you a few photos which will probably give you a better idea of what Cedar Point is like. Unfortunately though the Top Thrill Dragster, which is the biggest ride in the park was closed due to mechanical difficulties, the guys were very disappointed about this.