Tonight’s Scout meeting has been cancelled because of a lack of leaders to cover the meeting, in particular a female leader. We cannot for child protection and insurance reasons have female scouts attending if there is no female leader present, thus we have cancelled the meeting. In our last letter we warned this might happen and unfortunetly it has.

Scouts Letter 4th October 2011:

The new scout section has 5 leaders currently: Paul O’Loughlin Kennedy, Daragh Moore, Aoife Keogh, Steven Mackie and Kevin Baker.This is a small number of leaders for a section this size and will get smaller as Aoife’s college commitments will preclude her from attending meetings from Mid October. This leaves us in a very difficult situation and could result in us having to suspend meetings until we can find another female leader (ideally 2). So if anyone can make a commitment to assist at weekly meetings, or has a cousin, niece or friend, over the age of 18 we would be very grateful. Scouting experience is not necessary as training will be provided. We will need some assistance for some weekend activities so when you get notification of an activity please do consider if you would be able to come with us on the activity.

If you are available to help out as a leader on the Tuesday night for scouts please don’t hesitate to contact Paul O’Loughlin Kennedy if you are interested. We cannot stress this enough, but scouting experience of any kind is not necessary we have short simple training meetings to help.

Contact information for Paul O’Loughlin Kennedy:; 086 243 8556.