Posts Tagged ‘AGM’

Registration and AGM Evening

A new Scouting year is upon us once again! We will be holding a registration evening and AGM on Monday 5th September at 7:30pm. If you wish your child(ren) to be involved in Scouting again in Blackrock this year they must be registered on that night. Due to the high numbers on our waiting lists for all sections only those Scouts that are registered on that night will have a chance of a place for this year. At least one parent from each family must attend to ensure a spot this year.

Below is the consent from for this year. You only need to fill out one of these for the year. If you like you can print it out and bring it down filled in for the registration and AGM evening Monday 5th September at 7:30pm.
SI Activities Consent Form 2011

If you want a copy of the letter, regarding the registration cost as well as the day and times of each section for this year, please click the link below.
August Registration Letter

Hope to see you all in attendance Monday 5th of September.
Kind Regards,
29th Dublin Scout Group

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Registration evening

29th Dublin Blackrock Scouts are holding there annual Registration and AGM evening on Thursday 2 September 2010 at 7:30pm. Letters have gone out to all parents by post and email. If for some reason you did not receive them please attend the above meting.

If you are new to the Group please feel free to attend the above meeting also but attendance will not guarantee a place but the available places will be filled on that evening.

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Februarys Group Council

Just a quick note to all Leaders, It was decided to hold February’s Group Council a week early on Monday 1st February to allow the AGM to take place on 8 February.


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Group AGM

The date and time for the 2008/2009 Blackrock Scout Group AGM has been set for Monday 8th February 2010.

There should be at lease one representative from each family present. All parents will be given reports from the Leaders in each section. Also the Financial,  Facility Management Committee,  Fundraising committee and the Group Leader. Tea/Coffee will be served afterwards and all leaders will be available answer any questions or queries you may have.

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