Posts Tagged ‘Camp’

GLC 2013 in Scouting Ireland’s Magazine

We made Inside Out, Scouting Irelands Magazine. Well done to Emma Baker for preparing the article and Connor Waters for some editing. Please see images below of the two pages of the article. You can view the full issue click the image of the cover below. 

GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine

GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine


GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine

GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine


Inside-Out Issue 37 Oct 2013

Inside-Out Issue 37 Oct 2013



Posted in Beavers, Cubs, GLC (Great Leprechaun chase), Group, Leaders, Scouts, Ventures | Comments Off on GLC 2013 in Scouting Ireland’s Magazine

Venture Halloween Camp 2012

So the venture scouts were in Lough Dan last weekend for our Halloween Camp. We camped from Friday night to Sunday and all had a great time. We did lots of different activities from a campfire to playing games, building bivvies to mapwork and a short night hike on which we invested our two newest members.

The photos have been uploaded so don’t forget to check them out. Paddy is also putting together all of the gossip from the weekend so watch this space!

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JamOige – The morning after the night before

These are a couple of pics of ours and the surrounding sites on JamOige 2012 after the storm that hit on the Saturday night.






It was great to see the Scouting spirit come through with all Scouters and sub camp people pulling together.

A special thanks to 3rd Kildare 1 st Celbridge who cooked our brekkie and gave us the use of their mess tent to eat it in.

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Cub Camp Apr 2012 in The Den

A few pics from the above cub Camp.

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Halloween Camp

This weekend the Ventures organised a joint camp with Newtownpark Avenue. Everyone had a great weekend, thank you to all of the leaders who made the weekend possible.

We started on Friday with a few games to help everyone get to know each other, and then continued with a film in the leaders room. Eventually everyone got to bed and some of us even got some sleep.

On Saturday we all got up (or were dragged out of bed). We headed out to killiney hill, losing a shoe on the way. When we got there we split into two groups (girls and boys). The girls (and Fionnán) went orienteering while the boys went Rock Climbing. Both activities went really well and fortunatley this time round none of the boys decided to climb upside down. All the boys gave the climbing a go, and some even made it to the top twice. When we got back to the car park we found that the girls also got on well, having only missed one marker. After a somewhat wet lunch the groups swapped over. The girls enjoyed the climbing although not quite as much as Fionnán, who wanted to go again and again and again and again and again…. Some of the girls were scared but everyone gave it a go, and the weather had improved to we had a great afternoon. The boys came and found us once they had finished orienteering, they also missed only one orienteering marker. At which point Kevin realised that he may have possibly placed the marker in the wrong place! Once back in the car park we met Conor and packed away all of the rock climbing equipment. Oisín then organised everyone to played a game of catch the flag, followed by Tip the Can and Hide and Go Seek. When we got back to the den, eventually in the case of the group who took the DART, we made dinner which was Pasta Bolognese. After dinner Kevin lit the fire and all of Ventures sat around throughly intent on their various whittling projects. Some made spoons, others knives, others arrows and some were even making wands to go with their Halloween costumes. Later on Fionn got very excited (after some smores) about the prospect of carving a pumpkin in the shape of a Creeper (something from Minecraft). So everyone split into groups and went inside to carve pumpkins and they all turned out really well, there should be photos up here soon.

Sunday morning we were busy as we had our Tidy Towns litter pick-up organised. So we had breakfast and walked down to Blackrock Park, Orla kindly put the equipment in her car and drove it down for us. We then spent about an hour collected rubbish in the park and continued all the way back to the den. Everyone did a great job, and we had plenty of rubbish by the time we got back to the den. Then each patrol was given a country on which they had to put together a project for the rest of the afternoon. The girls got Mexico and the Boys got China, the posters that they put together are displayed in the Den on the Venture notice board. They also had to cook a meal from their country. The girls made some delicious Tacos and Nachos and the boys made a really good stir fry with Noodles and spring rolls. All of the food was excellent and Oisín and Lainey did a really good job of cleaning up afterwards while the rest of us got back to our whittling. Then unfortunately about half of our number had to go home, because they had Halloween parties to go to. So the rest of us settled down in the Leaders room to watch Young Frankenstein. We then played a very interesting game of Switch where everyone showed everyone else their cards, and mine were looked at while I was out of the room, twice! We then, after much debate, watched X-Men:The Last Stand and went to bed.

Monday was boring as all we did was clean up, smash a pumpkin and go home. Overall it was a really good weekend and hopefully we will be able to run more joint activities in the future.

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Cub Camp

Great weekend was had by all at the Stoneage camp in Larch Hill last weekend. Thanks to all those who attended and I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Well everyone have a good summer and I am looking forward to seeing everyone again in September.

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Fota 2010

Just back from Annual Camp and everyone had an amazing time. I would like to thank all of the leaders, explorers scouts, discovery scouts and rover scouts who were involved for an incredible camp. Watch this space and I hope to have a log written by two of our scouts up shortly along with many many photos of the camp.

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Lough Dan Pioneering Weekend

This Saturday, Sunday and Monday we went to Lough Dan for a pioneering weekend. Pioneering is building things out of large wooden poles or spars and sisal. We built a cool bridge gateway thingy with platform. The weather was decent compared to what we expected. We only had light showers on the the Sunday night and a little frost and ice on the Saturday night. We all wished Emma happy birthday.So we made fire and did pioneering on Saturday. Kevin burnt his tongue on the chicken soup at lunch. After chicken curry for dinner, we played texas hold ’em poker. Tony learnt how to play slowly (by folding even when he had the best hand), Conor W didn’t have a chance and got knocked out in almost every game. We had Swiss roll birthday cake for Emma’s birthday. We turned in early that night because we were shattered from the days “work”.

We slept in the next morning, only to be awoken by Tony and Emma’s loud shouts. Breakie was corn flakes (from Lidl) and bread. We continued our pioneering projects and lit another fire.

The fire was built because we needed to heat the coals for the Dutch oven, which we planned to cook out beef casserole in. The casserole took 6 hours to cook in the Dutch oven, while waiting for dinner we finished. We played more poker and then goonie, and switch.

We slept in again on Monday morning. Packing and go home day. We packed everything up and went back to the den to dry the tents and gear in the hall. We tried washing the Dutch oven out, but yeah, its still blackish.

Pancake Eating Competition

Currently we are having a pancake eating competition. Conor has been in the lead consistently but our guest or “ringer”, David, did arrive late so we’ll have to see. Alex from explorers has also joined us for this auspicious occasion.

The finishing score is:

  • Tony – 4 pancakes + most of a pizza
  • Emma – 6 pancakes + some of a pizza (also winner of “most pancakes made award” with 48 pancakes)
  • David – 11 pancakes
  • Conor W – 12 pancakes
  • Kevin – 6 pancakes
  • Conor L – 5 pancakes
  • Alex – 4 pancakes, we think.

So the winner of the 2010 Pancake eating competition is Conor W, knocking the former leader out of first place. The very original quote form the winner was “em, no comment”, and from the runner-up and previous champ, David, was “I am not a quote”. The loser also insisted on being allowed to give a quote, so Alex said “Monkey banana face flamingo alright ice cream cone?”

So that is the end of the pancakes for this year be sure to join us again next year.

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Upcoming Camp

We are having a camp at the Den from the 19th-21st of February. We are meeting down at the Den at 7.30pm pick up on the Sunday is 12 Noon. Letters going out tomorrow night with cost and equipment list.

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