Posts Tagged ‘Great Leprechaun Chase’

GLC 2013 report hits BSA website

There is an article about the InsideOut coverage of GLC 2013, see here

Posted in Beavers, Cubs, GLC (Great Leprechaun chase), Group, Leaders, Scouts, Ventures | Comments Off on GLC 2013 report hits BSA website

GLC 2013 in Scouting Ireland’s Magazine

We made Inside Out, Scouting Irelands Magazine. Well done to Emma Baker for preparing the article and Connor Waters for some editing. Please see images below of the two pages of the article. You can view the full issue click the image of the cover below. 

GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine

GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine


GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine

GLC2013 in Inside Out eZine


Inside-Out Issue 37 Oct 2013

Inside-Out Issue 37 Oct 2013



Posted in Beavers, Cubs, GLC (Great Leprechaun chase), Group, Leaders, Scouts, Ventures | Comments Off on GLC 2013 in Scouting Ireland’s Magazine

We are Painting the Den! Come Help!

2013-06-10 21.58.19

As most of you will have seen the pressure washing of the exterior of the den and most of the ground work has been completed to allow us to get started painting the den this week. We are painting the den and doing some work on the grounds as part of the preparation for the Great Leprechaun Chase and our visitors from Canada and the USA this summer.

These works are taking part from 7.30pm to 9.30pm from Tuesday to Friday. It is bring your own paintbrush or roller as we don’t have enough for everyone. All help from parents will be greatly appreciated by the group as many hands make for light work.

The weather forecast is not great. If it is not raining but too wet to paint we do plan to go ahead with the gardening. If it is too wet to do anything we will post an update on this news item. Otherwise assume we are going ahead with the works.

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Liam sighted

Unconfirmed reports that Liam the Leprechaun has been spotted in Wexford taking part in the St Patrick Day Parade. See picture below.



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Great Leprechaun Chase Parent’s Meeting

Last night, Tuesday 4th December, we had our parents meeting about annual camp 2013: The Great Leprechaun Chase. The camp is being held in Ireland and will be first the group annual camp 29th Dublin has run since Boston in 2001. Our friends in Windsor, Canada and Garden City, Michigan, USA are coming to visit us. These are the same groups our scouts stayed with last year on the MIC2012 trip.

For the more details see the presentation slides about camp made on the night.

If you want to get involved in hosting our visitors; fundraising; or logistics; come down to your nightly meeting and tell your section leader.

The hope is that with fundraising the camp fee will come down.

Deposits should be in no later than Tuesday 11th December.

Posted in Cubs, GLC (Great Leprechaun chase), Scouts, Ventures | Comments Off on Great Leprechaun Chase Parent’s Meeting

MIC 2012 Photos on Facebook

Just came across some photos of the Ventures in Michigan this summer, Click here to view on Facebook.

They are looking forward to visiting Ireland this summer for the Great Leprechaun Chase.

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